Dr. Steven Lawson says this about expository preaching:
"There are two words in expository preaching: one is expository and the other is preaching. Expository is the adjective and preaching is the noun. Expository preaching defines a certain kind of preaching. It is the kind of preaching that is prescribed in Scripture itself. The word ‘expository’ carries the idea of explaining the meaning of a text. The word ‘preaching’ describes the manner with which this instruction and explanation is brought. Expository preaching is the kind of preaching that begins with a passage of Scripture and explains the authorial intent of that passage, while making application with exhortation to the life of the listener."
At Redding Reformed Fellowship, we are committed to expository preaching. The preaching from our pulpit is driven by the authoritative text of holy scripture, not by current events, psychology. Our pastor generally preaching through entire books of the Bible, and the meaning of the text is the meaning of the sermons. He explains the text and applies the text to the congregation.
We hope that these sermons will be as much a blessing to you as they were to the congregation when they were originally preached. Feel free to copy and distribute these sermons to others.