Our Pastor is Rev. Gene L. Crow. Pastor Gene was born in Fresno, California, and was raised in Southern California. In his younger years he and his family attended a local Pentecostal church. In his early twenties, as a member of a Southern Gospel band, he met his future wife Cindy in Paso Robles. After they were married, the Crows began attending a Calvary Chapel, where Gene first began to sense a call to the pastoral ministry. Also during this time he was introduced, by the providence of God, to Reformed theology. This eventually necessitated his and Cindy's departure from Calvary. They landed in a Christian Reformed church, which shortly thereafter left the CRC and joined the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). A few years later Gene left his career as a Systems Analyst and began attending Westminster Seminary in California. After graduation he was ordained in the URC. He has since served congregations in the URC in Chino, Ca. and Muskegon, Mi. and an Orthodox Christian Reformed congregation in Canada. In April of 2008 he and Cindy made the move back to California, to Redding where they now live, and where Gene serves the congregation of Redding Reformed Fellowship as a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. In May of 2015, Gene was installed as pastor of Redding Reformed Fellowship when RRF was formally recognized as a congregation of the OPC.