Many today have more and more turned away from God’s wisdom in this area, and with an easily observable, and biblically predicted, outcome. The bible says that we reap what we sow, and perhaps nowhere is this principle more obvious than here. Children raised with no discipline grow up to be young adults without discipline and with no respect for order and legitimate authority. A look at what is happening on many college campuses today sadly bears this out.
Does your faith have a view - pro or con - on corporal punishment? If so, what does it say?5/6/2017
God, who created all things, who instituted the family, and whose wisdom infinitely exceeds ours, has given us his direction regarding child-rearing, and that includes corporal punishment. Proverbs 13:24; 22:15; 23:14; 29:15, 17; and Hebrews 12:7 all speak of the wisdom of such loving, measured punishment. The bible does not condone abuse, of course, but neither does it agree with those who equate all forms of corporal punishment with abuse.
Many today have more and more turned away from God’s wisdom in this area, and with an easily observable, and biblically predicted, outcome. The bible says that we reap what we sow, and perhaps nowhere is this principle more obvious than here. Children raised with no discipline grow up to be young adults without discipline and with no respect for order and legitimate authority. A look at what is happening on many college campuses today sadly bears this out. Comments are closed.
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