If the question refers to peace among the nations, the answer is similar, as sin in its various expressions will make any long-term, wide-ranging peace unattainable until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns and by his divine authority sets all things right through judgment.
What do you think/feel is the first step to peace from your faith tradition’s perspective?8/15/2015
If the question refers to inner peace, the answer, of course is that there can be no inner peace until there is peace with God through faith in Christ. Our angst, depression, inner conflict and so on, is, at base, the result of sin, which not only has spiritual consequences but physical ones as well. Until sin and the guilt it entails is resolved, true inner peace will remain elusive.
If the question refers to peace among the nations, the answer is similar, as sin in its various expressions will make any long-term, wide-ranging peace unattainable until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns and by his divine authority sets all things right through judgment. Comments are closed.
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